Saturday, 16 May 2015

Time to Practice...Grammar!

What do we usually do with grammar? The students practice in their grammar books and than we check it on the board, or the students check each other's work. There are more options, but I always feel that it's difficult to know that everyone learned and assimilated. 

Recently, I have started using grammar practice websites with my students. After I open the subject and explain the rules, the students practice on the website. They can also practice at home in preparation for a test or a quiz.

How does it work? Very simply, the website contains exercises and corrects the students if they are wrong. The answer is correct if they put the words in the correct form, and also if they used capital letters and punctuation marks where needed.

Not all websites, however, are very good. Here are two that are reliable.  

Important note - In order to send the students directly to the exercise you want, simply copy the URL from the top of the target page and paste it in the forum or the message. 

English Grammar Online - My personal favorite. 

This website is extremely broad and one can practice grammar, writing, reading, vocabulary and more. I will focus on the grammar section. As you can see in the picture below, there are a lot of tenses to learn and practice. 

When you click on a topic, the next page contains an explanation about the use of the tense and links to exercises. The first exercises are each on small sub-topics. They latter ones are mixed practice and even literary texts which contain the specific tense.

The students complete the exercise and click on "check answers". They can see were they did wrong and also an explanation regarding their mistakes. They can try until everything is perfect. 

English -

This website is the work of a German English teacher, Joerg Poehland. It containg a lost of grammar practice, checks the exercises automatically and includes spelling, punctuation and capitalization. 
There are several difficulty levels for each topic; beginner, intermediate and experts. 

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