Wednesday, 20 May 2015

Mobile & Active learning - Irregular Verbs Practice

Over the last few months I have been teaching the simple past, present perfect and the passive in several classes. I have looked for a way that students will learn and practice the irregular verbs in a fun way. The result is here and you may use it yourselves directly from the provided links. 

Quizlet Learn and Practice (There's a complete post on quizlet here). 

In this public link, the students can learn the words in 4 different learning methods (flash cards, learn, speller and test) and practice using two games: space race and scatter. They don't have to sign up in order to practice

Quizizz mobile quiz - 4 different quizes. 

On Quizizz, every teacher or student can create an online quiz which is quite fun. There are also many public quizizz on many subjects that you can copy, edit or use (watch a youtube guide). 
1. Click on the link to the quiz of your choice. 
2. Click "play".
3. Click "proceed". 
A code to the game will appear on your desktop. 
The students, on their mobile devices or in the computer lab, enter the link and enter the code. 
Each student is tested in his own pace. I gave 30 seconds to each question but you can change it if you register and "duplicate" my quiz. 

The quizizz are:

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